Category: MIND

Quarantalk: A journey towards healing amid the pandemic

Quarantalk: A journey towards healing amid the pandemic

It has been 2 weeks since we launched the casual yet informative online show, Quarantalk. We’re now about to head on to another week of quarantine. Challenges persist, anxieties build up. We’ll all just do our best to cope and adapt to our current circumstances. And here we are, putting together episodes to keep people company in these trying times, in the hours when falling asleep becomes more challenging as anxiety and worries usually creep in.

COVID-19: What You Can Do in This Time of Pandemic

COVID-19: What You Can Do in This Time of Pandemic

Altruists are driven by a deep urge to do something. To make things right. To make this situation lighter especially for those in need. This even sometimes leads to guilt when we feel powerless to do anything. Considering the circumstances you’re in, what’s in your power that can make a difference in the lives of many? Here are some ideas for you and me.

Managing Emotional and Psychological Response to News in the Time of COVID-19

Managing Emotional and Psychological Response to News in the Time of COVID-19

How do you consume news and manage your emotional and psychological response to what you see and hear? For some, following news is an option. But there are some of us who work in the media and the public sector where getting up to speed with what’s happening is a must. As this continuous flow of information threaten to overwhelm me, I realize some things help me cope.

Remarkable Encounters and Life Lessons

Remarkable Encounters and Life Lessons

Have you met people and was awed by their mere presence? I’ve been blessed to have encountered wise people over the past year who have shared with me some insights that likely, unbeknownst to them, have had great significance to me especially at where I was and what I was going through at that point in time. 

A young person’s dream

A young person’s dream

Once upon a time, “changing the world” was just a dream — a vague statement I didn’t really know how to make happen. Maybe at the back of my mind I didn’t really believe it’s something that could be done. Nonetheless, it was a hopeful endeavor that gave me purpose, an optimistic challenge that somehow pushed me to keep trying to be better every single day until I get the satisfaction of having done something that makes a dent in this world.

Perky Paperclips

Perky Paperclips

Explore all the things that will excite you whenever you think of all the work you need to accomplish.

Add some fun to that stack of paperwork with some of these trusty paperclips!

Because paperwork and piles of reading materials may sometimes be overwhelming, have some fun, and channel your personality and creativity on these bunch of plastics which I’m sure you will find in several designs, shapes, and sizes at your favorite bookstore.  Continue reading “Perky Paperclips”